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Bridge Rectifier Manufacturer

Product Description




Bridge Rectifier


Bridge Rectifier

Rectifiers convert AC signals to DC signals, and bridge rectifiers use diode bridges for this purpose. A diode bridge is a system of four or more diodes in a bridge circuit configuration where two of the circuit branches are branched by a third. Bridge rectifiers provide full-wave rectification.


As a power component, bridge rectifier is widely used in various power supply equipment.


How does a bridge rectifier work?

Since current can only flow through a diode in one direction, the current must take different paths through the diode bridge depending on the polarity of the input. In either case, the polarity of the output remains constant. When there is an AC input, the current flows along one path during the positive half of the cycle and along the other path during the negative half of the cycle. This produces a pulsating DC output because the amplitude of the signal still changes, but the direction no longer changes.


Benefits of Bridges Rectifier

When performance, space and fast production are critical, rectifier bridges are the solution in many applications.


Isolated compact housings are available in single-phase or three-phase topologies. Whether you prefer solder connections, screw connections, quick release connectors or busbars, Hornby Electronic has the right product for you.


Main features

Recommended for forced and natural air cooling


Easy installation with or without heat sinks


Insulated box


High inrush current


Quick connect, screw or solder terminals



Primary applications include battery chargers, small motor drive input rectifiers, power supplies and rectifiers for magnetic field control of DC motors with natural convection or forced cooling.


Bridge Rectifier Manufacturer

Hornby Electronic manufactures high quality, cost-effective bridge rectifiers that provide full-wave rectification of AC power supplies for electronic equipment. Our range of bridge rectifiers meets the power supply and case style requirements of your electronic equipment.

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