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Electric Security Fence for Housing Estate

Electric Security Fence for Housing Estate! The electric fence also excels at providing the housing estate with the best security. In addition to homes, the fence can also be used on boundaries of parks, shopping malls, schools, and sports fields.

Product Description

Electric Security Fence for Housing Estate

Do not allow children to play near the electric fence.

The electric fence also excels at providing the housing estate with the best security. In addition to homes, the fence can also be used on boundaries of parks, shopping malls, schools, and sports fields.

Energiser location

Mains power energisers should be located inside a building or shed out of the reach of children.


Planning of Electric Security Fence for Housing Estate

An electric fence system should be planned thoroughly before construction is commenced.

This is enable you to locate faults or shorts quickly and assists with good stock handling and movement.


Operation of Electric Security Fence for Housing Estate

The conductors of an electric security fencing system shall not be energized unless all authorized persons, within or entering the secured area, have been informed of its function and purpose.

Once installed and commissioned, the electric security fencing system shall not become operational until the customer's nominated representative has had training in its use.

Electric security fence for housing estate


Features of Electric Security Fence for Housing Estate

An electric fence is an effective and long-term solution to keep out unwelcome trespassers on your property. Electric fencing can be used to secure a wide variety of areas around the home, including yards, decks, garages, farms, boundaries, driveways, and more. While potentially dangerous, electric fence systems are designed to be relatively safe to use, although it is recommended that you follow all safety recommendations when using any electric fence system.

Electric fences are a type of boundary fencing that delivers an electric shock through a wired circuit when an intruder contacts the fence. They use a small but powerful electric current to deter animals and people from crossing a particular area. Often used to secure larger outdoor areas, electric fences can be installed around gardens, perimeters and in some cases, whole properties.

In a typical system, one or more energizers powered by mains electricity or a battery supply send an electric pulse at regular intervals along the wiring to keep the voltage at the right level. The wires are connected around the perimeter at regular intervals (ideally no more than 1.5m apart) with insulated posts.

Electric fences are a highly effective security measure, as they have a one hundred percent success rate in preventing people and animals from entering or leaving the fenced-off region. The shock an intruder receives is just strong enough to make them step back, so it's harris free, but still serves as an effective deterrent. Additionally, electric fence system are relatively easily to install, and can be moved around if necessary.

On the downside, electric fences require regular maintenance as the wires can easily become faulty due to vegetation, insects, poor weather, etc. Additionally, the system will need to be checked to ensure it is delivering the correct amount of voltage. They can also be costly to install, as the wires need to be securely mounted around the entire perimeter and the energizer will need to be purchased.

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