Home > Agricultural > Florasulam 8% + Flumetsulam 12% 20% SC

Florasulam 8% + Flumetsulam 12% 20% SC

This product is a systemic and conductive post-emergence broad-leaved herbicide in wheat fields, with a wide herbicidal spectrum, which can control broad-leave weeds in wheat fields such as Galium spurium L., Descurainia sophia(L.)Webb. ex Prantl, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic., Stellaria media (L.) Villars etc. Application in low temperature is also effective.

Product Description

Product Feature

This product is a systemic and conductive post-emergence broad-leaved herbicide in wheat fields, with a wide herbicidal spectrum, which can control broad-leave weeds in wheat fields such as Galium spurium L., Descurainia sophia(L.)Webb. ex Prantl, Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic., Stellaria media (L.) Villars etc. Application in low temperature is also effective. The chemical is degraded in the soil and is safe for the current and subsequent crops at the recommended dose.


1. The herbicide resource certificate is relatively scarce.

2. Long term of validity. It can be mixed with most gramineous weed control product.

Benefit for customers

1. The market demand is large

2. The customer`s profit margin is large

Applicable Crops

Winter wheat.

Florasulam 8% + Flumetsulam 12% 20% SCFlorasulam 8% + Flumetsulam 12% 20% SCTargets

Annual broad-leaf weeds.

Florasulam 8% + Flumetsulam 12% 20% SC

Uses and Recommendations




Application method

Winter wheat

Annual broad-leaf weeds

45-60 mL / Ha

Stems and leaves spraying

1. The best application period of this product is to spray the stems and leaves before the winter wheat turns green to jointing.

2. Do not apply on windy days or if there is rainfall within an hour. Use at most 1 time per season.


1. Before using this product, please shake it well. This product is a suspending agent that is easy to adhere to the bag. Please wash it off with water and make secondary dilution to spray evenly.

2. Avoid intercropping cruciferous vegetables, watermelon and cotton in wheat fields within 40 days of application.

3. Clean the used application equipment to avoid phytotoxicity on other crops.

4. When using this product, wear appropriate protective clothing, glasses and gloves to avoid inhaling the liquid. Do not eat or drink during the spraying period. Wash hands and face promptly after application.

5. Keep away from aquaculture areas, river ponds and other water bodies for application, and it is forbidden to clean the application equipment in river ponds and other waters. Avoid polluting water bodies such as ponds, and do not clean spraying equipment in ponds.

6. The used container should be disposed properly. Do not use for other purposes or discard at will.

Contact Us

Email: darr@aokun-agri.com

Tel.: +86 133 7058 3125

Fax: +86 531 8679 1888

WeChat: +86 133 7058 3125

Whatsapp: +86 133 7058 3125

Add.: Jinan Plant Protection Technology Industrial Park, Hanmiao Town, Shanghe County, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China.

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